Look for the ridiculous in everything and you will find it.-- Jules Renard
I ran across this quote today while looking for quotes about mothers and daughters. I have saved tons of quotes over the years. How did that one get in there? I'm not sure. I like it, though. It speaks to me. Being the optimist I am, I can usually find a reason to smile in most situations. I will look for reasons to laugh, too.
Looking back over the years that I was raising teenage daughters, there are plenty of memories that I laugh at now but was not laughing at then. I should have laughed more. Battles about hair and clothes and make up are just silly if they are good people with loving hearts underneath those outward trappings. My girls turned out great despite any minor battles that we fought. Both of them are strong, independent women who laugh easily. In fact, I don't think there is ever an occasion that, when together, they don't giggle about something.
Maybe this is good advise for mothers of daughters, after all.