Wednesday, June 6, 2007

A Tribute to Shel Silverstein

I had this excerpt from "Where the Sidewalk Ends" taped on the wall above my scrapbook table. It just spoke to me when I saw it in a newspaper article several weeks ago so I tore it out, taped it up and looked at it several times before I found a use for it. I took this picture of Seth the other day after he got this haircut. Why is it that a simple haircut can make a little boy look like such a big boy in just a few minutes? I loved the picture. I loved the quote. I put them together.

listen to the mustn'ts, child.

listen to the don'ts.

listen to the shouldn'ts, the

impossibles, the won'ts.

listen to the never haves,

then listen close to me...

anything can happen, child.

anything can be.


Kimmie said...

beautiful page. The 2 go very well together!!!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this page Detta! So very cool and such an awesome photo, too!

Anonymous said...

What a great page, Detta! It's perfect - the photograph, the quote, the colors. I LOVE it:-)

Anonymous said...

What a great layout. Love the poem. You're so right about the hair cut thing. When I gave my toddler his first short cut (he had longer wavy curls) I probably stared at him for a week before I finally got used to his new mature look.

Theresa Tyree said...

Detta! Awesome layout. I'm SO excited that I'm not the only person who knows about Shel Silverstein. My favorite children's book of all time is by him and it's titled, "The Giving Tree". Have you read that one??

Cheryl Wray said...

WOW!!! What an amazing quote!!!