Monday, July 14, 2008

I am a really big cry baby

On Saturday, Karen and I attended a wedding at our church. The wedding coordinator (who happens to be my mother! LOL) suggested we come and watch to get ideas on music and readings and how things are done. I have been to other weddings in the past because I am a lector and have been occasionally asked to read for couples who do not have anyone to do it for them. I wanted Karen to hear our pastor sing The Nuptial Blessing. After hearing it, she agreed to include it. It is sooo pretty. But, here is what happened that makes me wonder just how hard it is going to be for me to get through Karen's wedding without losing it. When this bride and her father walked up to the door to make their entrance, I started crying. My throat tightened up and the world got blurry from all the tears in my eyes. I do not know these people. I have never met them and I am crying at this girl's wedding! Of course, it didn't help that this poor Dad had tears streaming down his face, too. If I am a basket case at a stranger's wedding, how am I going to handle seeing Karen on Curtis' arm on her wedding day. I am going to invest in some waterproof mascara, for sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the tissues! Heh-heh. I'm just the same. The older I get, the more sentimental. But, the good new is that it's Karen -- you're supposed to cry for her. So no worries!
